Hemdean Valley / Anthem

Here is the song of the sheep,
eating green tops of root crops,
the ghost lamb song,
song of the long ago farmer.

Here is the song of the March wind,
song of toasty colts in jackets,
and the song of the black dog

off the lead
in Hi-Vis pyjamas,
and the runner, talking him home—Today!

Will be so wonderful!
(Sings the runner.)
We have so many plans!
We will MAKE the day!

Here is the song of low aircraft,
its dirge like a fat bluebottle
drifting over the hedgerows’
song of the muntjac’s tusk—

the whole land opening
throats to holler:

What will be
will one day be
what’s gone.

Biography: Katherine Meehan lives in Reading. Her poetry has appeared at Bath Magg, The Moth, One Hand Clapping, Ink, Sweat & Tears and others. She's currently working towards her first collection.